
Showing posts from 2025

Early 1900s Call Family Album - page 1

  Sometime in about 1904, someone in my grandmother Evelyn Clara Call's (1895-1962) family started taking photographs and placing them in an album. My grandmother was nine in 1904, so she could have been the photographer. Or it could have been one of her parents Charles Joslin Call (1859-1939) or Elizabeth Ann (Coe) Call (1861-1956). Most of the early photographs are of family gatherings and places someone visited. I believe by about 1911, my grandmother was taking the photographs. There are photos of her classmates at Batavia High School and groups of teenage girls.  The Call family live in Stafford, Genesee County, New York. They had a cottage at Silver Lake in Wyoming County. So many of the photos were taken in these locations.  Edith Alberta Call, ???, Evelyn Clara Call Edith Alberta Call, daughter of Charles Joslin Call (1859-1939) and Elizabeth Ann (Coe) Call (1862-1956), was born on 5 June 1889 in Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas. She marred Malvern Smith Jones (5 ...

Photos of Evelyn Clara Call and family

 I'll be sharing photos of my Grandmother Evelyn Clara Call, her husband Francis William Hankins and her children here on this page. I'm working my way through old notebooks of photos, scanning, doing some clean up in Photoshop, etc and sharing them. If you are related to any of the people in the photos - please let me know. I'm always happy to share larger files of the edited photos.  Evelyn Clara Call c 1918-1919 Evelyn Clara Call c 1905 Scanned from a modern print Evelyn Clara Call c 1905 Scanned from a modern print Dot Cushman, Evelyn Clara Call, Helen Fraht, Frances ??? 1918 Hike to Six Mile Creek  Evelyn Clara (Call) Hankins Cambridge, Mass 1920s  Elizabeth Ann (Coe) Call, Evelyn Clara Call, Charles Joslin Call 1919 Probably at Cornell University  Marie Charlotte Call, Evelyn Clara (Call) Hankins 1924 Eileen Evelyn Jones, Elizabeth Ann Hankins July 4, 1929 Evelyn Clara (Call) Hankins Botanical Garden on S. Park  1920s Evelyn Clara Call late 1910s Evel...

Photos of Charles Arthur Call and his family

 Charles Arthur Call was my grandmother's oldest brother. These are some photos of Charles and his family.  Charles Arthur Call Family Christmas Card c 1922 Left to Right: Helen Elizabeth Call, Bertha May (Hoctchkiss) Call, Edith Adelle Call, Robert Olin Call, Charles Arthur Call, Marion Alberta Call  Marion Alberta Call and Helen Elizabeth Call Summer 1918