Memories of the Coes 2: Child Duties

Of course my share in the household duties, mostly dish wiping and dusting for the little girl, - and later dishwashing. But the task I remember as a real task was picking berries. Father set out a nice pear orchard south of the house, and between them were black raspberry bushes. It seems to me that I picked them very faithfully, and a great many of them. I know I would get very tired. The hot sun has always tired me. I wonder if I ever had a slight sun stroke.

Patty's notes on this entry

The entries in the Memories of the Coes tend to be shorter and more disjointed than the ones in Memories of the Calls, so there will likely be more shorter posts for the Coes. 

Blackberries. Photograph by Enrico Strocchi. Used under a Creative Commons license. 

Picking Blackberries. Photograph by Amber Karnes. Used under a Creative Commons license. 

Blackberry Cobbler. Photograph by Jessica Merz. Used under a Creative Commons license. 

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Next Post in the Memories of the Coes: Church and Sunday School


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