Combining Two USGS Topographical Maps in Photoshop Elements 2023
Sometimes when you are working with USGS Topographical Maps, the area you’re interested in on the border of two maps, which can make it harder to get an understanding of the topography. The solution is to combine the two maps into one.
Usually, I’d just use photo merging or panoramic software to created the merged
map. But since there is no overlap between USGS maps – that won’t work. I have
to do it by hand.
Here's one way to do it in Photoshop Elements 2023
1. Open both maps in Photoshop Elements. Make sure you know how the maps should
align so you know where to place them in your combined document.
2. Crop both maps to edges of the map. Make sure to write down the info in the corners so you geo-reference your combined map in other software. Save your cropped maps under a different name
File > Save As
3. Expand the canvas
If you are working with two maps that align next to each other, make the left hand map your active map (or if they align top to bottom, make the bottom map your active map)
Image > Resize > Canvas Size
Change inches to pixels (I find it easier to think in pixels.)
For a side by side combined map, increase the width to double the current value
plus a few hundred (just in case your crops aren’t exactly right)
Click on the middle left square in the anchor
Click OK
For a top to bottom combination map, increase the height to double the current value
plus a few hundred (just in case your crops aren’t exactly right)
Click on the bottom middle square in the anchor
Click OK
You should now see your original map with a white square either to the right or on top
4. Copy the second map to the expanded canvas
Make your other document active.
Select all – Ctl-A
Copy – Ctl -C
Make your expanded canvas document active
Paste – Ctl V
The maps will probably overlap – don’t worry
5. Align the maps
Use the move tool (crossed arrows in the select part of the toolbox) to drag
the second map into place next to the first map
Zoom in Ctl + to get it aligned. I tend to use a road as an alignment guide

6. Crop the combined map – removing any excess white space

Flatten – Layer > Flatten image
Save as a new file - File > Save As
Patty Hankins
March 2025
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