Photos of Evelyn Clara Call and family

 I'll be sharing photos of my Grandmother Evelyn Clara Call, her husband Francis William Hankins and her children here on this page. I'm working my way through old notebooks of photos, scanning, doing some clean up in Photoshop, etc and sharing them. If you are related to any of the people in the photos - please let me know. I'm always happy to share larger files of the edited photos. 

Evelyn Clara Call
c 1918-1919

Evelyn Clara Call
c 1905
Scanned from a modern print

Evelyn Clara Call
c 1905
Scanned from a modern print

Dot Cushman, Evelyn Clara Call, Helen Fraht, Frances ???
Hike to Six Mile Creek 

Evelyn Clara (Call) Hankins
Cambridge, Mass

Elizabeth Ann (Coe) Call, Evelyn Clara Call, Charles Joslin Call
Probably at Cornell University 

Marie Charlotte Call, Evelyn Clara (Call) Hankins

Eileen Evelyn Jones, Elizabeth Ann Hankins
July 4, 1929
Evelyn Clara (Call) Hankins
Botanical Garden on S. Park 
Evelyn Clara Call
late 1910s
Evelyn Clara Call
Evelyn Clara Call (on left) and friends
late 1910s

L to R: Mac (??? McLean), Evelyn Clara Call, Hayden Copley, Laura, Lucile Alice Hale, Arabella, Smith, Street
 Hike up Six Mile Creek

Evelyn Clara (Call) Hankins
c 1920s



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