May & June 1940 from The Calls 1935-1943
May - Mr. Wells, Batavia Supt of Schools, came for water lily roots. Said something about his family and Robert's were pretty well acquainted. Then April Herbert helped me do gardening quite a lot. He was good help.
May 10 Arthur, Bertha and Adelle came last night after a plat at the Normal (Brockport) "Arthur and Bertha seem quite proud of Adelle. She had a good deal to do getting up the play, and evidently played her part well." Arthur brought overalls, went to work after breakfast, and kept steady at it until they went, some afternoon."
"Lucille had invited me to go for a ride with her. She came at 6 P.M., and we had a lovely drive to Syracuse. We visited that evening at Clara's, Mrs. Gregory, but stayed at Mr. Hale's.
Sun 12. Visited Mr Hale's garden. He had perhaps 150 peony plants. He furnishes flowers for one or two country clubs which are near by. We called on Lucille's aunt Harriet, who is housekeeper for a Mr. Carrier, a well known "air condition inventor and manufacturer. He is some connection. It is a beautiful (country) place. The feature of the lovely grounds is a little stream which falls in cascades, forming a lovely picture which can be seen from many of the large windows in the fine house.
At Ithaca we saw Robert's three girls - Evelyn is visiting there, - and Eileen. Had dinner at Marie's and Eileen's Sorority house. The girls sang a lot while at the table. Marie's room mate is a grand-daughter of Bishop Hughes. We were gone 25 hours from our house, - crowded full of enjoyment.
Thurs 14. New lawnmower came.
Fri 17. Mother's and Daughter's Banquet at Le Roy M.E. Thelma was my guest, Louise was Edith's. Mrs Davis, wife of pastor of Episcopal Church, talked about Mexico, showed costumes and curios.
Wed 22. Irving and I signed papers for a ten-day option on sale of the Pembroke Farm.
Tues 28. "Mrs. Dr. Knoll of Le Roy, thanking me for water lily roots writes "We also looked around your beautiful garden. it is indeed a picture spot." Thelma and I afterward saw the lilacs in bloom near their cottage at Horseshoe Lake. They appeared to have done very well indeed.
June 4. Thelma took me to town and we looked in every place down town for a gray summer dress for me. Finally found one at Ward's.
Sat June 8. Mable and Arch gave their youngest son Duane and his bride a wedding party. The bride's family, I understand, are missionaries in Siam. Mabel asked me this morning to attend the wedding, - the last survivor of the former generation. The bride, Janice, wore Mabel's wedding dress, - Charles and I were at her wedding. Then their daughter Marian, wore it three years ago when she was married. I furnished flowers, and Lucille had brought a quantity in the morning. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Charles McLean, Batavia Pres, in the west parlor which was quite profusely decorated with with flowers.
Wed 12. Eileen started back to Ithaca to go to Tiffin, O to a recreation council.
Fri 14. Edith had a school picnic at Silver Lake. She was badly sunburnt from rowing on the Lake with some of her pupils.
Sat June 22. Marian's Wedding Day (Newspaper clipping Recollection Vol II page 70) We picked a quantity of peonies, some roses and other flowers, many more at Lucille's. The Stricklands were there - we saw them when we went to The Fair, a year ago, when they entertained us so pleasantly. They are delightful people. "Marian and Jack seemed very happy, and excited with all the happenings, wedding presents, telegrams. The wedding was very pretty. Marian in white lace, very small flowers hat, small veil. Helen, matron of honor, in pink lace, Edith Adelle in blue lace, I didn't know she could look so pretty, three lovely sisters. Helen and Adelle wore picture hats. Bertha wore old rose lace. Edith and E. Adelle decorated the chapel with quantities of peonies banked with the white at the top, shading down. There were many bouquets of roses at the house." One of Olin's daughters sang accompanied by a more distant cousin, who also played other appropriate music. It was all very pretty - seemed perfect to me.
Jack and Arthur took snap shots.
The refreshments were chicken salad, several kinds of little fancy sandwiches, tea, coffee, fruit punch and angle cake, and ice cream. About fifty at the reception.
June 24. Marian and Jack came, stayed to lunch. Jack and I looked over the garden, and he told what plants he would like.
Patty's notes on this entry
Mr. Wells - Clyde Perkins Wells (1885-1973) married Alice May Knappenberger (1885-1971) in 1912. Their son Elting Holden Wells (1921-1982) married Marie Charlotte Call (1920-2013) daughter of Robert Vincent Call (1892-1961) and Lucille Alice Hale (1893-1996) in 1943. He served as Superintendent of Schools in Batavia, Genesee County, New York from 1923-1945.
Robert's family - family of Robert Vincent Call, son of Charles Joslin Call (1859-1939) and Elizabeth Ann Coe (1862-1956) included his wife Lucille Alice Hale, daughters Marie Charlotte, Elizabeth Ann (1922-2012), Evelyn Hale (1924-2016), Robert Vincent, Richard Coe (1930-2014) and David Lincoln.
Herbert - Herbert Joslin Call, son of Irving Joslyn Call (1900-1995) and Thelma Louise Keitel (1905-1996)
Arthur - Charles Arthur Call (1885-1962) son of Charles Joslin Call and Elizabeth Ann Coe. He married Bertha May Hotchkiss in 1909.
Bertha - Bertha May Hotchkiss (1882-1946) daughter of Horatio Nelson Hotchkiss (1855-1938) and Carrie Adell VanName (1861-1944)
Adelle - Edith Adelle Call (1921-2006) daughter of Charles Arthur Call and Bertha May Hotchkiss
Lucille - Lucille Alice Hale, daughter of Frank Herbert Hale (1860-1942) and Amanda Carpenter Reynolds (1864-1919)
Clara, Mrs Gregory - Clara Amelia Hale (1890-1983) daughter of Frank Herbert Hale and Amanda Carpenter Reynolds. She married George Groot Gregory (1883-1928) son of David Doane Gregory (1838 - 1901 ) and Cornelia Augusta Groot (1848 - 1919 ) in 1915.
Mr Hale - Frank Herbert Hale, son of Lucien Hale (1820-1900) and Theresa A Tisdale (1833-1908). He married Amanda Carpenter Reynolds, daughter of Lyman Reynolds (1824-1903) and Maria Carpenter (1825-1911)
Harriet - Harriet J Hale (1865-1951) daughter of Lucien Hale and Theresa A Tisdale. She married Charles F Otto (1862-1932). In 1910, their household in Buffalo included a cousin Willis Carrier and his wife Claire.
Mr Carrier - Willis Haviland Carrier (1876-1950) son of Duane Williams Carrier (1836-1908) and Elizabeth R Haviland (1845-1888). Willis Carrier married three times, his second wife died in 1939, he married his third wife in 1941. In 1902, he invented the first electrical air conditioning unit and in 1915, founded Carrier Corporation. You can read more about Willis Carrier at
According to the 1940 census, Willis Carrier was living in Syracuse, New York. His household included Willis Kirby (age 18, a second cousin), Edna Moor (18, lodger), Harriet Mackay (20, lodger), Harriet Otto (74, housekeeper) and Eunice Shultz (17, maid). Harriet Mackay is a granddaughter of Harriet Hale Otto.
Robert's three daughters - Daughters of Robert Vincent Call and Lucille Alice Hale - Marie Charlotte Call, Elizabeth Ann Call and Evelyn Hale Call
Eileen - Eileen Evelyn Jones (1919-2015) daughter of Edith Alberta Call (1889-1989) and Malvern Smith Jones (1884-1937).
Sorority - Marie Charlotte Call and Eileen Evelyn Jones were both members of the Sigma Kappa Sorority. Their sorority house was located at 150 Triphammer Road in Ithaca.
Sigma Kappa page in the 1940 Cornellian. Available from Hathi Trust at - Thelma Louise Keitel, daughter of Herbert Philip Keitel (1879-1957) and Mary R Fancher (1885-1960). She married Irving Joslyn Call in 1927.
Edith - Edith Alberta Call, daughter of Charles Joslin Call and Elizabeth Ann Coe. In 1940, she was the widow of Malvern Smith Jones.
Mrs Davis - Mary Amelia Brower (1897-1979) wife of Alanson Campbell Davis (1898-1980). His occupation was listed as Episcopal Minister in the 1940 census.
Pembroke Farm - a farm owned by Charles Joslin Call and Elizabeth Ann Coe. As early as November 1938, Charles was trying to sell the property.
Mrs Dr Knoll - Ruth J. Gregory (1897-1973) wife of George Henry Knoll (1899-1972) who was Charles Joslin Call's physician in Le Roy.
Mable and Arch - Archie Duane Call (1881-1956) son of Albert Henry Call (1857-1934) and Effie May White (1862-1935) and his wife Mabel Elizabeth Westbrook (1881-1966) daughter of John A Westbrook (1858-1933) and Amelia Lawrence (1856-1928). Arch Call and Mabel Westbrook were married in 1908.
Duane - Archie Duane Call (1916-2000) son of Archie Duane Call and Mabel Elizabeth Westbrook.
Janice - Janice Fuller (1916-1978) daughter of Graham Fuller (1883-1971) and Geraldine Emerson (1890-1991). Graham Fuller was a minister of the Presbyterian Church and spent 37 years in Thailand doing mission work. His daughter Janice was born in Thailand.
Charles - Charles Joslin Call, son of Robert Call (1831-1913) and Charlotte Joslin (1834-1908). He married Elizabeth Ann Coe in 1884.
Marian - Marian Amelia Call (1912-2008) daughter of Archie Duane Call and Mabel Elizabeth Westbrook. She married Gordon Melville Hemmett (1910-1984) son of Percy Elmer Hemmett (1879-1930) and Ethel Blanche Hook (1884-1938) in 1937
Marian - Marian Alberta Call (1911-2000) daughter of Charles Arthur Call and Bertha May Hotchkiss. She married John Kay Strickland (1911-2007) son of Edwin L. Strickland (1878-1972) and Mary E Kay (1880-1973) on
Stricklands - Edwin L Strickland and Mary E Kay, parents of the groom
Jack - John Kay Strickland - apparently the groom and the father of the bride were the photographers at the wedding!
Helen - Helen Elizabeth Call (1910-1997) daughter of Charles Arthur Call and Bertha May Hotchkiss. She married Robert Wilson Johnson (1910-1991), son of Harry Johnson (1884-1940) and Mary Sipko (1891-1965) in 1931.
Olin's daughter - Nancy Virginia Sheffer, daughter of Olan Newell Sheffer (1903-1982) and Gladys Pauline Call (1909-1933).
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