Photos of the Cornell Women's Pageant - May 1917 - pages 63-66
I'm very lucky to have several of my grandmother Evelyn Clara Call's (1895-1962) photo albums. And perhaps even luckier that she labeled many of the photos - so I know roughly when and where they were taken, and who was in the photos.
My grandmother attended Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois in 1915-1916, and then Cornell University in Ithaca, New York from 1916-1919.
Most of the photos on pages 63-66 are from the Cornell Women's Pageant presented on May 18-19, 1917.
In May 1917, the women of Cornell put on several performances of a pageant in the amphitheater at Cascadilla Gorge.
A couple of sections of the article about the pageant from the May 19 issue of the Ithaca Journal explain the purpose and intent of the pageant.
These are the newspaper articles I found in The Ithaca Journal about the pagent.
Page 63 - The Nymphs
Based on the caption of the photo - and the description in the Memories of the Coes - I believe this dress originally belonged to Elizabeth Ann Sornberger - who gave it to her granddaughter Elizabeth Ann Coe - who allowed her daughter Evelyn Clara Call's friend Frances Searles to wear it as "a grandmother in a play at Cornell". More info about the dress is in my post at
Previous pages in the album: Photos of Cornell University Friends - c 1917 - pages 59-62
Next pages in the album: Photos from Cornell University and Ithaca, New York - 1917 - pages 67-70
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